Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Back at it

Well after 20 days of medication, I am finally back at running!

It's been hard - the first few runs were TORTURE.  Pure torture.  But I made it through them and that's what matters.  I ran 2 whole miles on the treadmill last night.  You have no idea how frigging happy that makes me.  My pace is that of a turtle's but hey - I'm working on distance, not speed.  If I can make the distance, the speed will naturally come. 

Every run I feel stronger....and that makes me oh, so happy.  I would have never believed that I would miss running as much as I have in the last month but I am so glad to be back at it.

Not sure how Pam feels about it.  :)  

Monday, November 7, 2011

First Speed Bump

Just when I thought I was making some awesome progress with my running - I hate a speed bump.  Actually, I hit one head on.

Apparently at some point last week I was bit by some sort of insect.....I have no idea if it was a spider (although in my mind, it has been a furry tarantula) nor can I remember a time where I was aware of BEING bit.  But, I developed a very nasty bump on my back upper thigh that got worse over Thursday and Friday.  It felt as hard as rock and hurt pretty bad too.  I think labor has hurt more at this point but even that was barely beating this thing.  By Saturday morning, I had no choice but go to Urgent Care and let the doctor check it out.  Of course, my worst fear came true - she had to lance it.

Good news - no staph!  Bad news - nothing but blood came out of the damn thing so I now have an inch long cut on my thigh.  At least it's not hurting.  And since no infection oozed out when it was lanced, the doctor "guessed" I must have been bit by something.  

Worst news of all - no running until the cut is healed.  Which will likely take 10 to 14 days.  Until then, I can no run and get the area sweaty because that can lead to infection.  All this at a time where I was going to do two 5ks.  Not this month I guess.  I had planned on running the Turkey Trot in Hartsville on Thanksgiving morning but since I will *hopefully* just getting back to running, I've decided to opt out.  :( 

So, this is my first speed bump - probably not my last.  I was just hoping to avoid one of these for awhile.